Digital Engineering (DE) Measurement Framework

Many stakeholders and subject matter experts from across a broad cross-section of industry, government, and academia have come together here to work collaboratively on a consensus measurement framework to help enterprises transition from traditional document and artifact-based development to a digital model-based future and assess the measurable impacts and benefits they aspire to achieve.

A successful measurement program depends on establishing a clear context and operational definitions for the measures to be collected. The Digital Engineering (DE) measurement framework was developed using an approach based on Practical Software and Systems Measurement (PSM), detailing common information needs to derive an initial set of digital engineering measures. This is documented in an “Information Category-Measurable Concept-Measures” (ICM) Table, described in Section 7. The information needs address goals and the project (or product) and enterprise perspectives (What do we want to know with respect to the goals?) to provide insight and drive decision-making. The framework identifies an initial set of measures to address these information needs.  For the highest priority measures, sample measurement specifications have been developed to describe these measures in detail along with guidance for their use.

This initial DE measurement framework proposed by our team of representative stakeholder experts is intended to help projects and enterprises establish an initial path toward a measurably effective transition and implementation of digital engineering methods.

Version 1.0
DE Measurement Framework ver 1.1 2022-07-27 final.pdf

We welcome your feedback and comments. Please provide your comments using the form below. Email your comment form to Cheryl Jones; cheryl.l.jones128.civ@army.mil
Comments Form - DE Meas - v1.0.xlxs


The PSM DE Measurement Framework presentation is provided for reference: PSM_DE_Measurement_v1.1_2022-07-27_Overview_brief.pdf


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